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Washington County Bird Highlights: 2006
On August 21 Lars Norgren spotted the first
Red-shouldered Hawk
of the year. A bird was along Hwy 26 between Banks and North Plains. These birds are now annual, but still rare, with only a couple of birds reported per fall. [See September Highlights.]
Pectoral Sandpiper at Fernhill Wetlands, Forest Grove, on August 27, 2006, by
Greg Gillson
Greg Gillson noted the first of the uncommon
Pectoral Sandpipers
of the season, a small juvenile female, on August 21. Perhaps this same bird was noted by Mike Marsh on August 22 and Leslie Meserve on August 26. Three birds were present on August 27, an adult female, a juvenile female (photo, right), and a larger juvenile male (See May Highlights for a rare spring record). [See September Highlights.]
Erik Knight reported 3