Far Eastern black-and-yellow garden spider (Argiope amoena)
Far Eastern black-and-yellow garden spider - Argiope amoena (Koch, 1878)
Kapchon Stream, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon, Korea
This is the largest spider I have ever seen in Korea. This spider was about 2 inches long including legs with body length of an inch including head. When I took pictures of this female orb weaving spider, it was building or repairing her web.
Korean Description:
거미줄을 치고 있는 새벽의 호랑거미 (왕거미과/Araneidae)
대전시 유성구 갑천의 상류 (포장된 산책로가 끝나는 지점에서 촬영) |