Cashmere Goats
Cashmeres are intelligent, curious, and make great pets if they have been tamed down. They butt each other with
their horns, but seldom injure each other. Cashmeres require good fences, such as a four foot high field fence to keep goats
in and predators out. They need simple shelters to protect them from the wind and rain. Cashmeres run for cover at the first
sign of rain. Cashmere goats are browsers and love brush pastures. They do well on hay or improved pastures. Grain helps improve
kidding percentages, and depending on the area of the country, mineral supplements may be needed.
They also need to be
wormed regularly and have their hoofs trimmed. Overall they are hardy creatures and need only a dry place to get out of the
wind and rain.
Cashmere Kids
Cashmere Goat does