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Vulpes fennec
Subject: Vulpes fennec
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Vulpes fennec

Vulpes fennec

Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Subphylum: Vertebrata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Suborder: Caniformia
Family: Canidae
Genus: Vulpes
Species: Vulpes zerda
Geographic Range
The largest populations of Vulpes zerda occur in the central Sahara, though the species can be found in mountainous and desert regions from northern Morocco (roughly 35 degrees N latitude), east along the northern tip of the Red Sea to Kuwait, and south into northern Nigeria and Chad (15 degrees N latitude). ("Fennec fox", 2004; Kingdon, 1997; Smith, 1985; Zimen, 1990)
Biogeographic Regions:
palearctic (native ); ethiopian (native ).
Fennecs are highly specialized to desert life and found almost exclusively in arid, sandy regions. The presence of desert grasses and/or light scrub vegetation is important, as fennecs use these plants to bolster, shelter, and line their dens. Fennecs are so well adapted to their Saharan climate that they need not drink. In times of need, however, nearby vegetation is a handy source of water and may be eaten.A predominant characteristic for liviing in desert is that fennecs are usually sneaking under the sand. ("Fennec Fox", 2004a; Kingdon, 1997; Osborn, 1998)
These animals are found in the following types of habitat:
temperate ; tropical ; terrestrial .
Terrestrial Biomes:
desert or dune .
Physical Description
0.80 to 1.50 kg; avg. 1.50 kg
(1.76 to 3.3 lbs; avg. 3.3 lbs)
30 to 40 cm; avg. 30 cm
(11.81 to 15.75 in; avg. 11.81 in)
Basal Metabolic Rate

Fennecs are the smallest of the canids. They range in size from 0.8 kg in vixens to 1.5 kg in males. They are smaller than an average house cat. Tail length is between 18 and 30 cm, and accounts for nearly 60 percent of the 30 to 40 cm body length. Standing 18 to 22 cm at the shoulder, fennecs are significantly shorter than other African foxes, which average a shoulder height of 30 cm. Not enough is known about fennecs to state conclusively whether they are sexually dimorphic. The family Canidae, however, exhibits the limited sexual dimorphism common in groups of mostly monogamous species. Since V. zerda is monogamous, it is reasonable to assume this species follows the pattern of slight sexual dimorphism. ("Fennec fox", 2004; "Fennec Fox", 2004b; Estes, 1991; Kingdon, 1997; Smith, 1985; Zimen, 1990)
The ears of fennecs are perhaps their most distinctive feature. Massive in proportion to the skull, the large, 15 cm long pinnae are used both to dissipate heat and to locate prey moving under the sand. Enlarged auditory bullae also serve this latter purpose. Fur in adults is thick and silky, buff-colored on the dorsal surface and white along the animal’s legs, face, ear-linings and underside. In contrast, juveniles are downy and almost exclusively white. The fur over the violet gland - found in all foxes, and of unknown function - is black or dark brown. This is also the color of the fur on the tip of the tail. The feet are heavily furred, protecting the pads from the hot desert sand. The eyes, rhinal pad, and vibrissae of fennecs are all black. Dentition is weak, similar to that in bat-eared foxes.
Excellent hearing also is a great distress to fenncs if they were in a very noisy envoiroment. As so much faint sound in the distance were catch by fennecs, it will injure their heart and nervous system. So some fennecs would maim own ears to escape noise.("Fennec fox", 2004; "Fennec Fox", 2004a; "Fennec Fox", 2004b; Estes, 1991; Kingdon, 1997; Osborn, 1998; Smith, 1985; Zimen, 1990)
Some key physical features:
endothermic ; homoiothermic; bilateral symmetry .
Sexual dimorphism: male larger.
Breeding interval
Fennecs breed once yearly
Breeding season
Breeding occurs in January and February.
Number of offspring
1 to 6; avg. 3
Gestation period
50 to 53 days; avg. 50 days
Birth Mass
26.28 g (average)
(0.93 oz)
[External Source: AnAge]
Time to weaning
30 to 90 days; avg. 60 days
Time to independence
6 to 9 months; avg. 6 months
Age at sexual or reproductive maturity (female)
6 to 9 months; avg. 6 months
Age at sexual or reproductive maturity (male)
6 to 9 months; avg. 6 months
Little is known about how fennecs attract or defend their mates, though reproductive opportunity may be affected by social position. It is possible that only dominant males pair with females. The breeding season runs from January to February, but vixens remain in estrus for only a few days. Fennecs mate for life. This monogamous pairing leads to a social structure in which each breeding couple (or family- fennec parents often enlist the aid of older siblings in caring for offspring) have their own territory. This territory is bounded by urine and piles of fecal matter. Fennecs are vigorous defenders of both territory and pups. ("Fennec fox", 2004; "Fennec Fox", 2004a; "Fennec Fox", 2004b; Kingdon, 1997; Zimen, 1990)
Mating systems:
monogamous ; cooperative breeder .
The breeding season of V. zerda begins in mid winter (January to February), and pups are born after a gestation period of 50 to 53 days. 50 days is the average gestation. Fennecs have a slow reproductive rate, and vixens give birth only once yearly. Their litters are relatively small, usually containing only 2 to 4 altricial pups (although 5 and even 6 are not entirely uncommon). At birth, the blind and helpless offspring weigh 50 g. Their mother attends them in the den for the first 2 weeks, until their eyes open. At 4 weeks the pups begin to play within the den. At 5 weeks play extends to the area just outside the den entrance. The pups of V. zerda suckle longer than those of most foxes, and weaning may not occur until nearly 3 months of age. Young may be licked, carried, and closely watched for up to 70 days. Sexual maturity comes with the attainment of adult size at 6 to 9 months of age. ("Fennec fox", 2004; "Fennec Fox", 2004a; "Fennec Fox", 2004b; Kingdon, 1997; Smith, 1985; Zimen, 1990)
Key reproductive features:
iteroparous ; seasonal breeding ; gonochoric/gonochoristic/dioecious (sexes separate); sexual ; fertilization ; viviparous .
The low birth rate and slow reproductive recovery of declining fennec populations means that fennec parents have a high reproductive investment in their altricial pups. Vixens give continuous care for the two weeks following birth. Father and mother work together during the prolonged rearing of the young. Males bring food to the family and watch for dangers to playing pups. Fennecs are very aggressive in the defense of their young, and added protection for the pups may be a reason to maintain community structure. Though weaned at as early as one month, fennec offspring require care and supervison for a much longer period. Full independence is not attained until roughly 6 months of age. ("Fennec fox", 2004; "Fennec Fox", 2004a; Kingdon, 1997; Zimen, 1990)
Parental investment:
altricial ; pre-fertilization (provisioning, protecting: female); pre-hatching/birth (provisioning: female, protecting: female); pre-weaning/fledging (provisioning: male, female, protecting: male, female); pre-independence (provisioning: male, female, protecting: male, female); post-independence association with parents; extended period of juvenile learning.
Extreme lifespan (wild)
10 years (high)
Extreme lifespan (captivity)
12 years (high)
Typical lifespan (wild)

Typical lifespan (captivity)

Fennecs can live for up to 10 years in the wild, a common lifespan among African foxes. Captive fennecs may survive for up to 12 years. ("Fennec fox", 2004; Smith, 1985)
Fennecs are highly social animals, living together in family groups which may contain up to 10 individuals. These kin-based clans usually include at least one breeding pair, a litter of immature pups, and perhaps a few of the pups’ older siblings. Territory is marked by both urine and scat. Dominant males urinate more at amrking sites than their submissive fellows.
The gregarious nature of fennecs is evident in their frequent and varied vocalizations. Both adults and pups chatter, whimper, wail, growl and shriek. Howls are brief and loud, descending in pitch and repeated many times.
Fennecs often engage in play and prove remarkably agile for their small stature. A full-grown adult can jump straight up to 0.7 m, and over 1 m from the standing position. This trait helps fennecs capture prey. ("Fennec Fox", 2004a; Kingdon, 1997; Zimen, 1990)
Nocturnal hunters, fennecs need places to sleep during the day in which they will be sheltered from the hot desert sun. For this purpose they dig burrows. These dens are also used to rear pups. Often they become extensive tunnel systems and may posses several entrances from which the fennecs can flee should enemies arrive. Burrows are usually dug beneath desert bushes, allowiing the roots of the plants to provide support for tunnel walls. Leaves are used to line the vixen’s nesting chamber.
In some instances several fennec families may live together, sharing a complex den. Even when this cohabitation occurs, fennecs, like other foxes, still prefer to hunt alone. Their predatory method is the stalk-spring-pounce. Fennecs are opportunistic feeders, and cache food for future use. They remember these cache sites well from season to season. ("Fennec Fox", 2004a; Kingdon, 1997; Zimen, 1990)
Home Range
The size of fennec home ranges has not been reported.
Key behaviors:
terricolous; nocturnal ; motile ; sedentary ; territorial ; social ; dominance hierarchies .
Communication and Perception
Vulpes zerda perceives its environment primarily through highly developed senses of hearing and smell. The enormous ears are able to filter sound through many centimeters of sand, and can detect subtle differences between whines and whimpers in the calls of other fennecs. Night vision is enhanced by a reflective retina called a tapetum. This adaptation creates the illusion of glowing eyes and is characteristic of nocturnal animals.
Social rank among fennecs is communicated mainly through play. As social animals, they use visual and tactile communication. ("Fennec Fox", 2004a; "Fennec Fox", 2004b; Kingdon, 1997; Zimen, 1990)
Communicates with:
visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical .
Other communication keywords:
pheromones ; scent marks .
Perception channels:
visual ; tactile ; acoustic ; chemical .
Food Habits
Fennecs have small carnassial teeth. They obtain much of their food through digging, and, as omnivores in a desert environment, will consume almost anything that makes itself available. Small rodents, lizards, birds, eggs, and insects are all common prey. Fruit, leaves and roots are an important part of the diet of V. zerda, as they provide almost 100 percent of the animal’s hydration. Fennecs can go indefinitely without free water, and are known to cache extra food. ("Fennec fox", 2004; "Fennec Fox", 2004b; Kingdon, 1997; Osborn, 1998)
Primary Diet:
omnivore .
Animal Foods:
birds; mammals; reptiles; eggs; carrion ; insects; terrestrial non-insect arthropods.
Plant Foods:
leaves; roots and tubers; fruit.
Foraging Behaviors:
stores or caches food .
Little is known about what animals prey on fennecs, though it seems safe to assume that some do. Fennec dens are designed for quick escape, and the sand-colored fur which aids stalking of prey may also help them evade detection by larger, fiercer animals. Excellent hearing surely allows V. zerda to locate and avoid predators. By using face changing, fennecs could confuse or threaten predators. Fennecs can be capable of changing their face more than a dozen in 30 seconds, as the result that they study and imitate from almost all kinds of preyers in desert region. ("Fennec Fox", 2004a; Kingdon, 1997; Osborn, 1998)
Anti-predator adaptations::
cryptic .
Ecosystem Roles
Fennecs are predators, reducing the number of small mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, and other terrestrial invertebrates found within their home territories. They may strip the leaves off scrub vegetation, but there is no evidence that this behavior causes permanent damage to the plants. Fennec are excellent scorpion cachter for they need toxins inside scorpions to sitimulate and strengthen the skill of face changing. ("Fennec fox", 2004; "Fennec Fox", 2004a; "Fennec Fox", 2004b; Estes, 1991; Kingdon, 1997; Osborn, 1998)
Economic Importance for Humans: Negative
Fennecs do not have any known negative impact on humans, and why native peoples of the Sahara are hunting them into decline remains unclear. ("Fennec fox", 2004; Zimen, 1990)
Economic Importance for Humans: Positive
Fennecs are distributed to zoos and as personal pets. ("Fennec Fox", 2004a; "Fennec Fox", 2004b)
Ways that people benefit from these animals:
pet trade .
Conservation Status
IUCN Red List: [link]:
Data Deficient.
US Federal List: [link]:
No special status.
CITES: [link]:
Appendix II; Appendix III.
Fennecs once ranged broadly over northern Africa, but sport hunting and intrusion by humans are shrinking their habitat and increasing their scarcity. The IUCN Red List cites fennecs as Data deficient. CITES places fennecs in Appendix II in Austria, and Appendix III in Denmark and Tunisia. ("Fennec fox", 2004; Zimen, 1990)

Interestingly, fennecs raised in the lab often dig or attempt to dig within their cages - evidence that this behavior is intuitive, rather than learned. ("Fennec Fox", 2004b)

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