| Query: ocellate river stingray | Result: 6th of 12 | |
Potamotrygon motoro, Ocellate river stingray: fisheries, aquarium
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File Size: 80704 Bytes
Upload Date: 2008:04:16 16:30:52
Potamotrygon motoro, Ocellate river stingray: fisheries, aquarium
Image of Potamotrygon motoro, Ocellate river stingray, Øjeplettet flodpigrokke, Pauwoogzoetwaterrog, Black river stingray, South American freshwater stin, South American freshwater stingray, South american freshwater stingray, Riikinkukkorausku, Gemeiner Stechrochen, Pfauenaugen-Stechrochen, Rala-maca, Vivevih, Yabebi, Yavebui, Yavevih-guazú, Arraia, Raia, Arraia de fogo, Boró, Chucho de río, Raya, Raya común, Raya fina, Raya grande, Raya pintada de las piedras, Raya, Raya amazónica, Raya motoro
Weisbarth, T.
Point map
(skates and rays)
Elasmobranchii (sharks and rays)
FishBase name:
Ocellate river stingray
ocellate river stingray 6/12 |
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