Point-tailed palmcreeper
Point-tailed Palmcreeper in Suriname
Point-tailed palmcreeper
Photo of a point-tailed palmcreeper made by Peter Relson in
Suriname in 2002, near Zanderij airport. As its name in many
languages says, the bird is always found near or in Moriche palms
(Ite, as in this picture), where it searches for small insects
and spiders. It can even look for them hanging up side down as it
almost does here on this picture. Otte Ottema recorded the
sound of the point-tailed palmcreeper
also near Zanderij (Pengel) airport in Suriname in november 2004.
Each small square indicates the observation of at least one
(group) of these birds, the medium ones at least 4 observations
on different days and the largest ones 10 or more. The color of
each square indicates: blue for coastal area, yellow for savanna
and red for rainforest.