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Wolfsong 1996 calendar : Gray Wolf (Canis lufus) pack - Art Wolfe
From: "Fafnir"
Subject: scans - wolf - Wolfsong 1996 calendar - 4/6 - f_Wolfsong96_10_Art_Wolfe.jpg
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 1999 20:27:19 +0200
This is my first post here. There are 13 pics in the whole series,
but the pics are rather large, so I will post 6 more tomorrow.
The scans are either 1200xXXX or XXXx1200, it's my common size of
scans (for calendars)
In case you think it's really too much big, tell me.
I hope you will like them :)
# Everybody is free to believe in what he wants, #
# that means you, that means me. #
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