Northern Shrike. Photo by Mike Marsh
Washington County Bird Highlights: 2007
Lars Norgren spotted 9
Wild Turkey
at Hayward on March 26, where they have not been detected in 14 years. Greg Gillson spotted 12 in a farmyard in Gaston in December 2006. Both are likely not as "wild" as their name suggests. There are no established populations in Washington County since the dubious "wild" population on Lee Road died out about 2000.
Northern Shrike at West Union on 15 March, 2007, by
Mike Marsh
Northern Shrike
was at West Union from 14-27 March and seen by Mike Marsh, Greg Gillson, Tim Shelmerdine, David Smith, and Wink Gross. These are occasional winter visitors, not recorded every year (seen on only 44% of Forest Grove CBC's).
Horned Larks
are singing along Milne Road between North Plains and Roy. One was seen and heard on March 17 by Lars Norgren. It was though perhaps to be a larger, paler race, not a local breeder. However, three birds were seen and heard March 19, two clearly of the smaller, more colorful, Willamette Valley breeding race (