Smooth Otter [Lutra (Lutrogale) perspicillata]
All Otters
Recorded from scattered
localities in most areas including the Tg. Sirik and Kuching areas in
Smooth Otter
[Lutra (Lutrogale) perspicillata]
HB 522-750, T 355-450, HF-140 (1 immature
Sabah and several mature Thailand specimens). Skull: cbl 120.8, io 18.5,
mt 40.6 (1 Sabah specimen).
Upperparts brown; underparts buffy.
Throat and sides of neck creamy coloured. Fur short, smooth and sleek.
Nose hairless. Tail flattened on underside. Feet large and webbed up
to last joint on digits. Claws prominent. Penis of adult male protrudes
beyond body wall. Contact call "wiuk".
Similar species:
the Hairy-nosed Otter,