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Mangrove Kingfishers
Zanzibar Mbweni Ruins Hotel - Nature Trail
Sonneratia alba
and is endemic in Zanzibar and Pemba. It is to be found where mangrove land reclamation is just beginning and can survive in quite deep water. It has conical breathing roots rising from the soft sand around the base of the tree. Much marine and bird life shelters in these trees which have a special ecosystem of their own.
While sitting on the bench watch the Ghost Crabs down on the beach, as they dig their holes to shelter until the next high tide. If you are lucky you can see dolphins swimming close to the mangroves. The most frequently seen species in this area are Bottlenose, Spinner and Common dolphins.
Around dusk you can hear the Water Stone Curlew, called Dikkop in Southern Africa, which has a series of piping whistles which become longer and longer. If you see a flash of brilliant blue it is probably the Mangrove Kingfisher searching for a perch from which to look for small crabs and fish.
Mangrove Kingfisher -
Halcyon senegaloides
Photo by Nik Borrow on
Surfbirds website
Turning back a little towards the mango tree, take the left fork going along the sea front to
point 4 |