| Query: Merluccius merluccius | Result: 21st of 22 | |
Image of: Gadiformes (cods and hakes), Gadella maraldi (gadella), Gadomus, Coryphaenoides, Muraenolepis, Melanonus, Merluccius productus (north pacific hake), Steindachneria argentea (luminous hake), Bregmaceros mcclellandi (spotted codlet), Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod), Brosme brosme (cusk), Urophycis chuss (red hake)
Subject: | Image of: Gadiformes (cods and hakes), Gadella maraldi (gadella), Gadomus, Coryphaenoides, Muraenolepis, Melanonus, Merluccius productus (north pacific hake), Steindachneria argentea (luminous hake), Bregmaceros mcclellandi (spotted codlet), Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod), Brosme brosme (cusk), Urophycis chuss (red hake)
| Source: | http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/site/resou... |
Resolution: 341x240
File Size: 14003 Bytes
Upload Date: 2008:05:14 15:39:54
Image of: Gadiformes (cods and hakes), Gadella maraldi (gadella), Gadomus, Coryphaenoides, Muraenolepis, Melanonus, Merluccius productus (north pacific hake), Steindachneria argentea (luminous hake), Bregmaceros mcclellandi (spotted codlet), Gadus morhua (Atlantic cod), Brosme brosme (cusk), Urophycis chuss (red hake)
ADW: v04_id179_con_gadlarv.jpg
Larval types in the order Gadiformes, shown are: 1. Moridae, Gadella maraldi; 2. Macrouridae, Gadomus sp.; 3. Macrouridae, Coryphaenoides sp.; 4. Muraenolepididae, Muraenolepis sp.; 5. Melanonidae, Melanonus sp.; 6. Merlucciidae, Merluccius productus; 7. Steindachneriidae, Steindachneria argentea; 8. Bregmacerotidae, Bregmaceros mcclellandi; 9. Gadidae, Gadus morhua; 10. Lotidae, Brosme brosme; 11. Phycidae, Urophycis chuss.
Michigan Science Art
(copyright holder)
Merluccius merluccius 21/22 |
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