Point of lay pullets
::::Pond House Poultry:::: quality traditional and rare pure breeds
All our stock is home bred, well handled and reared on free range. (
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Point of lay pullets
We keep a number of pure breed chickens including Araucanas, Barnevelders, Light Sussex, Exchequer Leghorns, Welsummers, Rhode Island Red and Marans.
Point of lay pullets
We have a large selection of rarer breeds including Appenzellers, Andalusians,
Friesian Fowl, Orpingtons, Barred Plymouth Rocks, Speckled Sussex Silkies, Vorwerks, Wyandottes and the autosexing Legbars and Welbars.
We also breed most colours of Pekins and the stunning Barbe d’Uccle bantams.
We usually have Point of Lay hybrid hens, including Black Rock, Bovans Nera,