Greater Spotted Eagle
Surfbirds News: RSPB Archives
Via Baltica - Commission gives final warning to Poland
The European Commission today officially sent its second, and final, warning letter to the Polish government about the routing of the Via Baltica that would severely damage important, and protected, natural sites in eastern Poland.
The European Commission today officially sent its second, and final, warning letter to the Polish government about the routing of the Via Baltica that would severely damage important, and protected, natural sites in eastern Poland.
Greater Spotted Eagle, copyright Frederic Veyrunes
The RSPB has lent its support to a pan-European coalition of green organisations backing the European Commission’s call to halt this damaging development. The sites affected are home to some of Europe’s most special wildlife, including wolf, lynx and both lesser spotted and white-tailed eagles. The Biebrza Marshes are also the most important breeding site in Europe for the globally-threatened
aquatic warbler
and the
greater spotted eagle.
The second European Commission letter – a so-called “Reasoned Opinion” – is the last chance Poland has to stop works on the controversial Augustow Bypass through the pristine Rospuda wetlands before the European Commission takes Poland to the European Court of Justice, which could see the Court insist that they stop construction and ultimately impose a severe fine.