| Query: gourami | Result: 15th of 60 | |
Trichogaster trichopterus, Three spot gourami: fisheries, aquaculture, aquarium
Resolution: 480x352
File Size: 16991 Bytes
Date: 2006:04:11 14:30:31
Upload Date: 2008:04:16 13:16:03
Trichogaster trichopterus, Three spot gourami: fisheries, aquaculture, aquarium
Image of Trichogaster trichopterus, Three spot gourami, Sepat, Blå gurami, Toplettet Gurami, Blue gourami, Golden gourami, Opaline gourami, Threespot gourami, Three-spot gourami, Giant gouramy, Two-spot gouramy, Three-spot gouramy, Cosby gourami, Gold gourami, Gourami bleu, Gourami bleu, Blauer Fadenfisch, Blauer Gurami, Punktierter Fadenfisch, Sepat iju, Trey kampleanh samré, Trey kanpleanh samrê, Trey kawmphleanh samrai, Trey Komphléang, Pa ka dout, Pa salid, Sepat jawa, Sepat padi, Sepat ronggeng, Skrzeczyk karlowaty, Nitenosets, Theppili, Pla ka di, Pla ka di mor, Pla kra di, Pla kra di mhor, Pla sa lak, Pla sa lang, Pla sa-lak, Pla sa-lang, Siopet, Sompat
Point map
Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
FishBase name:
Three spot gourami
Animal Pictures Archive for smart phones