About The Owl
About The Owl
Species: Asio Flammeus
What Is it?
The short-eared owl (SEO) is a diurnal owl (active during the day, especially at dawn and dusk) although sometimes active at night. Its' size ranges from 33cm.- 43cm. (13"-17") and has a wingspan of
105cm.-107cm. (41"- 42"). It weighs around 206g - 475g (7 - 17 oz.). Mainly
quiet, the SEO's male territorial sound is a "voo - hoo - hoo". The female
responds with a "kee - ow". Its' face looks like a heart. Its' underbelly is
usually white with a hint of small brown or black lines. Its' wings have brown
and yellow patches all over. The so-called ears on the head of the owl are
actually tufts of feathers, and the real ears are hidden behind feathers and on the sides of
the head. The ears are very small but sensitive. The eyes are yellow on the outside,
and the pupils are black.