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Sea Stars & Sea Urchin
Sea-urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis), sea-star (Asterias rubens) and sea-star (Solaster endeca) showing concentration at depth caused by desalination of the top layer of water. Kislaia Bay, Lat. 69 18.0, Long. 33 40.5 E. Water temp 6C; air temp 3 C; depth 8 meters.
Image ID: fish1818, Fisheries Collection
Location: Barents Sea, Russia
Photo Date: 2003 May 15
Photographer: Yuri A. Zuyev, Hydrometeo. Univ., St. Petersburg
Photo Source:
The NOAA Photo Library
The National Oceanic & Atmospheric Adminstration (NOAA) |