| 질의: fishes | 결과: 9283번째/13213 | |
Gymnothorax favagineus, Laced moray: fisheries, aquarium
해상도: 640x372
파일크기: 113642 Bytes
등록시간: 2008:04:16 14:27:44
Gymnothorax favagineus, Laced moray: fisheries, aquarium
Image of Gymnothorax favagineus, Laced moray, Heuningkoek-bontpaling, Netpatroon-bontpaling, Musaf bait nahal al bahri, Bakasi, Muréna mahejská, Muréna pescadorská, Muréna sítkovaná, Muréna skvrnitá, Leopardmuræne, Sortplettet muræne, Ubod, Blackspotted moray, Honeycomb moray, Black-blotched moray, Black-spotted moray, Tesselated moray eel, Reticulated moray, Sokkelomureena, Murène nid d
Randall, J.E.
Point map
(eels and morays)
Actinopterygii (ray-finned fishes)
FishBase name:
동물그림창고 똑똑전화 누리집