Marbled Polecat (Vormela peregusna) exploring surroundings
Marbled Polecat (Vormela peregusna) exploring surroundings
Marbled Polecat
Marbled Polecat has a vast region, although it is one or the more rare mustelids.
It can be found throughout Europe and Asia, from the Middle East to Siberia to
Mongolia. The marbled polecat lives in the grasslands, desert steppes,
and meadow steppes of Eurasia.
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marbled polecat is named for its varied coat pattern of yellow, brown, red,
black, and white. The marbled polecat's face has a distinctive mask
appearance of black and white, and its back has a saddle-shape of colors.
It also has a dense, bushy tail and short legs and long claws, which enable it to chase after rodents and to burrow. Like most mustelids, marbled polecats can emit a
strong odor, used for marking their territory and warning off threats.
They are small animals, not reaching more than forty-five centimeters in length
and weighing only one to three pounds.