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질의: Birds & nature magazine결과: 8887번째/32642
Yellow-billed Loon 1 - Gavia adamsii - Summer plumage (흰부리아비)
제목: Yellow-billed Loon 1 - Gavia adamsii - Summer plumage (흰부리아비)
올린이: Kim Jinsuk (
KoreanBird-Yellow-billed Loon J01-incubating on nest-summer plumage.jpg
파일크기 : 157850 bytes File date : 1999:01:18 09:00:00 해상도: 929x1024 Jpeg process : Baseline Posted Newsgroups: Posted 촬영일: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:01:33 +0900

Yellow-billed Loon 1 - Gavia adamsii - Summer plumage (흰부리아비)

Yellow-billed Loon (흰부리아비, 여름깃)
Gavia adamsii

Image Source:
Byoung-Oh Won, "A Field Guide to the Birds of Korea", Kyohaksa, 1993


The yellow-billed loon or white-billed diver (Gavia adamsii) is the largest member of the loon or diver family. The main distinguishing feature from other loon species is the longer straw-yellow bill which, because the culmen is straight, appears slightly uptilted. It breeds in the Arctic and winters mainly at sea along the coasts of the northern Pacific Ocean and northwestern Norway.

Scientific Name: Gavia adamsii (Gray, 1859)
Common Names: Yellow-billed Loon, White-billed Diver, Yellow-billed Diver
French: Plongeon à bec blanc; German: Gelbschnabeltaucher; Spanish: Colimbo de Adams
Taxonomy: Colymbus adamsii G. R. Gray, 1859, Alaska.

Birds & nature magazine
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