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질의: Birds & nature magazine결과: 7817번째/32642
Kruezen Animal Park has no big cats... here's what they have got instead!
제목: Kruezen Animal Park has no big cats... here's what they have got instead!
올린이: Ralf Schmode (
Domestic Cat001-by Ralf Schmode.jpg
파일크기 : 155516 bytes File date : 2000:05:13 17:32:47 해상도: 940x639 Jpeg process : Baseline Posted Newsgroups: Posted 촬영일: Sun, 16 Apr 2000 09:24:53 +0200

Kruezen Animal Park has no big cats... here's what they have got instead!

Date: April 16, 2000
Time: 09.25 am CEST

Hi group,

as I told you, the animal park of Kruezen, located in Schleswig-Holstein
(Germany) near where I live, has mostly hoofstock and birds but no big
cats at all. Instead, they have a pride of sweet, affectionate domestic
cats that roam freely among the visitors, always ready to have their
photos taken in exchange for some decent treats. Here is the undisputed
boss of them all for you to enjoy.

Greetings -


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loking for love

Birds & nature magazine
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