Animal Pictures Archive mobile
질의: Birds & nature magazine결과: 7799번째/32642
제목: fly.jpg
올린이: "Mark Cassino" (
CassinoPhoto-CommonFly on leaf-Closeup.jpg
파일크기 : 67697 bytes File date : 1998:05:12 09:00:00 해상도: 669x493 Jpeg process : Baseline Posted Newsgroups: Posted 촬영일: 10 May 1998 21:53:58 GMT


After months of not being able to take any closeups of insects or spiders,
spring has suddenly burst on the scene and the little critters are
completely abundant. Well, I'm rusty, so the shot of the cute ladybug
didn't come out, the shots of the honey and bumble bees were just duds, and
the spider shots sort-of came out but the little beast was just too

So what did work? Just this lowly fly...
Mark Cassino
Kalamazoo, MI
Images Of Common Birds & Plants
Fourth Update: April 11, 1998

Now is that a real poncho or is that a Sears poncho...

Birds & nature magazine
| 똑똑누리집 | 신규 사진 | 아무거나 | 동물유머 | English |
^o^ 동물그림창고 똑똑전화 누리집 ^o^