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질의: Birds & nature magazine결과: 7787번째/32642
Very Colorful Bird in Africa -- Superb Starling
제목: Very Colorful Bird in Africa -- Superb Starling
올린이: Vern Moore (
AfricanBird1-Superb Starling-closeup-by Vern Moore.jpg
파일크기 : 7664 bytes File date : 2000:05:31 16:29:18 해상도: 320x240 Jpeg process : Baseline Posted Newsgroups: Posted 촬영일: Thu, 17 Oct 1996 22:57:36 -0700

Very Colorful Bird in Africa -- Superb Starling

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Scientific Name: Lamprotornis superbus Rüppell, 1845
Common Names: Superb Starling
French: Choucador superbe, Merle métallique superbe; German: Dreifarben-Glanzstar; Spanish: Estornino Soberbio
Taxonomy: Lamprocolius superbus Rüppell, 1845, Shoa, Ethiopia.

Birds & nature magazine
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