on this gorgeous painting we see a pair of Psittacula alexandri (moustached aka red-breasted Parakeet) perched right from a single male Psittacula derbiana (Derbyan Parakeet)
We know that the specimen perched on the left end is a P. derbiana rathr than a P. alexandri because ONLY P. derbiana display violet-blue breasts & faces while P. alexandri display more or less intense pink breasts depending on particular P. alexandri sub-species.
We also know that it is a male Derbyan Parakeet because it displays a red beak while Derbyan Parakeet hens always display black beaks. As opposed to P. alexandri cocks who always display red beaks while hens of their species just about always display black beaks except in some particular sub-species where the hens' beaks are reddish (less intense red coloured compared to cocks)
Best regards,
St??phane aka Tintin,
Ruby Eyes Aviary.
"You remain responsible, forever, for what you have tamed."
- Antoine De Saint-Exup??ry