Title: Reptiles and birds. A popular account of the various orders; with a description of the habits and economy of the most interesting.
Year: 1873 (1870s)
Authors: Louis Figuier, 1819-1894 Parker Gillmore Subjects: Birds; Reptiles
Source book page: https://archive.org/stream/reptilesbirdspo00figu/reptilesbirdspo00figu#page/n584/mode/1up
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Reptiles_and_birds._A_popular_account_of_the_various_orders;_with_a_description_of_the_habits_and_economy_of_the_most_interesting._(1873)_(14749436802).jpg
The eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) is a large species of bird of prey that breeds from southeastern Europe to western and central Asia. Most populations of Aquila heliaca are migratory and winter in northeastern Africa and southern and eastern Asia.