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Surfbirds News: July 2007 Archives
Emberiza fucata fucata Pallas
Add to Category A. First-winter, probable male, Fair Isle, Shetland, 15–20 October 2004 (sight record, photographed, trapped) (Birding World 17: 415–419).
Polytypic. Breeds from Japan through Korean Peninsula, China, Himalayas, Nepal, Kashmir and Pakistan. Winters from southern Japan, through China to Thailand.
Chestnut-eared Bunting, Fair Isle, copyright Adrian Webb
British List totals
With the addition of Long-billed Murrelet and Chestnut-eared Bunting to Category A, the British List now stands at 574 species. Species in Category D and E form no part of the British List.
Category Total
A 554
B 10
C 10