Animal Pictures Archive mobile
질의: Tortoise결과: 48번째/615
Galapagos Tortoise (Geochelone nigra) (갈라파고스코끼리거북)
제목: Galapagos Tortoise (Geochelone nigra) (갈라파고스코끼리거북)
DKMMNature-Reptile-Galapagos Giant Tortoise.gif
해상도: 402x386 파일크기: 42831 Bytes 등록시간: 2004:12:01 10:42:49

Galapagos Tortoise (Geochelone nigra)

Captured from a WONDERFUL MULTIMEDIA CD-ROM title,
"Eyewitness Encyclopedia of Nature",
Dorling Kindersley Multimedia, 1995

Gal??pagos Giant Tortoise
Long neck
Hard scales on front legs
THERE ARE AT LEAST 13 different subspecies of giant tortoises living on the Gal??pagos Islands. Each has developed slightly different features to suit its habitat and diet. For example, some species have a long neck to enable them to reach high-growing plants.

Dorling Kindersly Multimedia
(reviewed by Univ. of Texsas Library)

For more images captured from the CD-ROM title,

| 똑똑누리집 | 신규 사진 | 아무거나 | 동물유머 | English |
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