Eurasian Wryneck
Wryneck - Woodpeckers of Europe
Above: Adult Wryneck, Landguard, England (Bill Baston). In another terrestrial pose.
Juvenile plumage is not always obviously different from that of adults. Indeed, juveniles become almost identical in appearance to adults soon after fledging. The best ID feature is often the markings on the under-parts. Juveniles are lightly streaked and barred whilst adults show chevrons or arrowheads. There are differences in plumage tone, with brown areas duller, rump cream, tertials rufous, and markings on the throat, upper breast and flanks greyish rather than blackish. Also more white bars than adults with fewer, but bolder, black bars on the tail. The iris is greyish-brown rather than bright reddish. Structurally juveniles are more compact with a shorter tail and rounder wings and the outer primary is longer than on adult.