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Cantor's giant softshell turtle (Pelochelys cantorii)
Description Pelochelys cantorii (Cantor's giant softshell turtle).
Date 15 March 2010, 12:24:05
Source Flickr: Pelochelys cantorii
Author Dementia
Cantor's giant softshell turtle or Asian giant softshell turtle (Pelochelys cantorii) is a species of freshwater turtle native to Southeast Asia. It has been considered the largest extant freshwater turtle. The species is endangered and in the 20th century has disappeared from much of its former range . Order: Testudines, Suborder: Cryptodira, Family: Trionychidae, Genus: Pelochelys, Species: Pelochelys cantorii Gray, 1864.
Pelochelys cantorii Gray, 1864
Pelochelys cumingii Gray, 1864
Pelochelys cantoris Boulenger, 1889
Pelochelys poljakowii Strauch, 1890
Pelochelys cummingii Smith, 1931 (ex errore)
Pelochelys cantori Pritchard, 1967 (ex errore) |