Animal Pictures Archive mobile
질의: reptile결과: 2568번째/2581
Straw necked Ibis
제목: Straw necked Ibis
해상도: 512x341 파일크기: 31397 Bytes 등록시간: 2008:07:10 15:07:16

Straw necked Ibis

Straw necked Ibis: strawneckedibis ::
Straw necked Ibis
Straw necked Ibis
Size: 70cm

Habitat: Found through out most of Australia excepting the most arid areas, this bird inhabits shallow freshwater wetlands and pastoral land. Feeds on grasshoppers, amphibians and small reptiles.

Notes: Bare black head, straw like breast plumes, iridescent black wings and back, white belly, red legs. Breeds variably.
For more information on
Straw necked Ibis
see references.
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uploaded in low resolution for storage efficiency, ( they do not
reflect the true image quality). Original images are high quality
photographic files.

| 똑똑누리집 | 신규 사진 | 아무거나 | 동물유머 | English |
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