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Rose-colored Starlings at their nesting site
Ventures Birding & Natural History Tours
Night at the Observatory
Rose-colored Starlings at their nesting site
10 (
, May 27)
We'll start the morning with another
walk around the Observatory before breakfast looking for more mid-elevation
species. After breakfast we will climb higher to the Cosmos Station, with our
targets being Guldenstadt's Redstart, Brown, Himalayan Accentor and Black-throated
Accentors and a good chance for Himalayan Snowcock. We'll return to the
Observatory for lunch.
After lunch we'll head to Big Almaty
Lake to look for the wonderful Ibisbill. Both Sulphur-bellied Warbler and
Severtov's Tit-Warbler occur in the area, so we will carefully search the
juniper shrubs near the observatory.