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Great White-crested Cockatoo = Cacatua alba (White cockatoo)
Great White-Crested Cockatoo.
Psittacus leucolophus, Russ.
Synonyms: Cacatua leucolophus, Cacatua cristatella, Plictolophus leucolophus, etc.
German: Der weisshäubige Kakadu.
Date 1884
Source Parrots in captivity. Vol. 1 /
Author Frederick George Dutton; William Thomas Greene
The white cockatoo (Cacatua alba), also known as the umbrella cockatoo, is a medium-sized all-white cockatoo endemic to tropical rainforest on islands of Indonesia. When surprised, it extends a large and striking head crest, which has a semicircular shape (similar to an umbrella, hence the alternative name). The wings and tail have a pale yellow or lemon color which is exposed when they fly.
Order: Psittaciformes
Family: Cacatuidae
Genus: Cacatua
Subgenus: Cacatua
Species: Cacatua alba Müller, 1776 |