Title: Annual report of the New Jersey State Museum : including a list of the specimens received during the year : financial report, with a report of the mammals of New Jersey and a supplement to former reports, 1907
Year: 1908 (1900s)
Authors: New Jersey State Museum; Whitmer Stone; Henry W Fowler Subjects: Natural history museums; Mammals; Natural history
Book page: https://archive.org/stream/annualreportofne00new/#page/n270/mode/1up
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Annual_report_of_the_New_Jersey_State_Museum_-_including_a_list_of_the_specimens_received_during_the_year_-_financial_report,_with_a_report_of_the_mammals_of_New_Jersey_and_a_supplement_to_former_(18742633794).jpg