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Egyptian grasshopper (Anacridium aegyptium)
The Egyptian grasshopper is one of the largest European grasshoppers, with males growing up to 2.2 inches long, and females up to 2.8 inches long. They are commonly found throughout most of Europe, as well as in North Africa. Their bodies are usually a gray-brown colour with a mottled pattern. They can be most easily distinguished by their unusual eyes, which have black and white vertical stripes.
These grasshoppers feed on leaves and are therefore typically found living in shrubs and trees, in environments which are sunny and warm. These grasshoppers are a solitary species, so they do not congregate in swarms with other grasshoppers. This means they do not pose a large risk to crops.
Egyptian grasshoppers can be seen at any time of year, though, as adults, they are most active during August and September. Nymphs usually hatch from their beneath soil eggs in April, taking a few months to reach maturity. |