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English: Drawing collected by Felix Platter, to be used in Historiae animalium. The second volume contained drawings of mammals – varying from dogs, sheep and deer to panthers, tigers and camels – and insects, reptiles and amphibians. The drawings were made by several artists, mostly anonymous.
Nederlands: Tekeningen verzameld door Felix Platter, voor gebruik in de encyclopedie Historiae animalium (1551–1558). Het tweede volume bevat afbeeldingen van uiteenlopende zoogdieren – waaronder honden, schapen en herten, maar ook panters, tijgers en kamelen – en van insecten, reptielen en amfibieën. De tekeningen werden gemaakt door verschillende kunstenaars, veelal anoniem.
Date between 1546 and 1558
Source Bijzondere collectie Universiteit van Amsterdam
Author Unknown
The red fox (Vulpes vulpes), largest of the true foxes, has the greatest geographic range of all members of the Carnivora family, being present across the entire Northern Hemisphere from the Arctic Circle to North Africa, North America and Eurasia. Vulpes vulpes females are called vixens, and young cubs, pups, or kits. The scientific term vulpes derives from the Latin word for fox. |