From: (Pierre)
Subject: Birds of prey - Part 8 > File 08 of 11 - PO_bop_091_Faucon_cr??cerellette.jpg (1/1)
Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 16:49:49 GMT
Lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni)
The lesser kestrel is a small kestrel with long pointed wings and a long tail marked with a black band at the end. Males and females are distinguishable by colouring. Males have a pale brown back and blue-grey feathers on the crown, rump, neck and tail. The belly is creamy pink with small brown streaks. In females, the back and head are mid brown and the belly is pale. Both back and belly are streaked with brown. Males and females have white undersides to their wings, with black tips. The eye ring is bright yellow and the feet are yellow to orange. The ankles and feet lack feathers.