| 질의: Birds & nature magazine | 결과: 14630번째/32642 | |
White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) (흰턱멧참새)
제목: | White-throated Sparrow (Zonotrichia leucophrys) (흰턱멧참새)
| |
해상도: 640x480
파일크기: 70230 Bytes
등록시간: 2005:02:23 23:27:11
From: phoby@netsgo.com
File To Comment: animal5/bird150.jpg
Hmmm. Looks like a white-crowned sparrow.
From: kjs
Date: Thu Oct 21 16:43:02 KST 1999
File: bird150-White-crownedSparrow-Perching_on_fruited_snow_tree.jpg
This seems to be a white-throated sparrow. |
Birds & nature magazine 14630/32642 |
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