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질의: Birds & nature magazine결과: 14090번째/32642
Masked Yellowthroat, Suriname
제목: Masked Yellowthroat, Suriname
geae fcj.jpg
해상도: 317x469 파일크기: 17746 Bytes 등록시간: 2008:02:01 00:09:22

Masked Yellowthroat, Suriname

Masked yellowthroat in Suriname

Beautiful photos of a male (above) and a female masked
yellowthroat, made by Foek Chin Joe in the north of Paramaribo in
May 2005. And below two photos of a male in June 2007 also in
Paramaribo, made by Erik Toorman. And the last picture is a male
by Alexandre Renaudier, made in French Guiana, Awala-Yalimapo, in
2005. The birds are not uncommon in the northern part of
Paramaribo, hiding in wet grasses and thick bushes. They are also
found in marshes. This is a
sound of
a Masked Yellowthroat
, singing at the top of a small bush,
recorded by Jan Hein Ribot in Paramaribo in March 2006.

Birds & nature magazine
| 똑똑누리집 | 신규 사진 | 아무거나 | 동물유머 | English |
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