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Trumpeter Swan (Cygnus buccinator) pair
From: (Wayne Cohoe)
Subject: pvanml12.gif, 00/11 [Trumpeter Swans, Perfect Vision]
Date: 19 May 1994 01:10:25 GMT
This pic from: Perfect Vision Graphics, 2.4 -> 28.8 modem (513)233-7993.
Perfect Vision expressly forbids redistribution of this image for profit.
Picture Description:
Here are a pair of Trumpeter Swans in the Elk Park National Wildlife
refuge. They are in a pond or lake with water plants as a backdrop.
The sun is shining brilliantly off the water, and one of the swans has
it's wings spread as if it just landed. 1024x768x256c GIF
The trumpeter swan (Cygnus buccinator) is a species of swan found in North America. The heaviest living bird native to North America, Cygnus buccinator is also the largest extant species of waterfowl. |