| 질의: Birds & nature magazine | 결과: 13435번째/32642 | |
Pyrrhuloxia, male, Ramirez Ranch, Roma, TX
해상도: 465x650
파일크기: 26028 Bytes
등록시간: 2008:01:31 00:36:03
Pyrrhuloxia, male, Ramirez Ranch, Roma, TX
You can contact the Audrey Martin by phone at 956-381-1264 or by e-mail at
(Note: John Martin founded the Texas Valley Land Fund Contest and the Martins were its driving force for many years. At his Homestead property, John converted acres of barren farmland into what is now a tropical paradise, and he did it with his own hands, one plant at time. John is a NANPA Board Member.)
Pyrrhuloxia, male, Ramirez Ranch, Roma, TX
Image copyright 2004, Arthur Morris/BIRDS AS ART
Canon EOS 1Ds body, Canon 500mm f/4 L IS lens with 2X TC.
ISO 400. Evaluative metering +1/3 stop: 1/80 sec. at f/8.
This image was made from a new afternoon blind that Roel erected during the past summer.
For information on the fabulous Ramirez Ranch, click here:
http://www.birdsasart.com/bn76.htm |
Birds & nature magazine 13435/32642 |
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