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질의: Birds & nature magazine결과: 13402번째/32642
The banded linsang baby dozing on its mother at the Taiping Zoo.
제목: The banded linsang baby dozing on its mother at the Taiping Zoo.
n 22civet.jpg
해상도: 250x164 파일크기: 19305 Bytes 등록시간: 2008:01:31 11:21:21

The banded linsang baby dozing on its mother at the Taiping Zoo.

Baby linsang is the cat's whiskers at zoo

Saturday March 10, 2007
Baby linsang is the cat???s whiskers at zoo

The banded linsang baby dozing on its mother at the Taiping Zoo.
TAIPING: They are tiny and eat rodents, small birds and insects.
is from the civet family, which is related to cats, but there is not much documented information on this nocturnal mammal.
Thus, the birth of a rare banded linsang at the Taiping Zoo has spurred new hopes of studying the elusive animal. It is the first successful birth of a linsang in captivity in Malaysia.
The month-old baby linsang spends most of its time dozing and being weaned by its four-year-old mother.

Birds & nature magazine
| 똑똑누리집 | 신규 사진 | 아무거나 | 동물유머 | English |
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