Animal Pictures Archive mobile
질의: Birds & nature magazine결과: 13159번째/32642
Little corella (Cacatua sanguinea)
제목: Little corella (Cacatua sanguinea)
올린이: Axis (
Little corella.jpg
해상도: 345x520 파일크기: 73335 Bytes 촬영일: 2020:05:10 18:06:34 등록시간: 2020:05:10 19:08:19

Little corella (Cacatua sanguinea)

Little corellas are mostly white, with a fleshy blue eye-ring and a pale rose-pink patch between the eye and bill. In flight, a bright sulphur-yellow wash can be seen on the underwing and under tail. The sexes are similar in plumage, and young birds look like the adults, but are slightly smaller.

Birds & nature magazine
| 똑똑누리집 | 신규 사진 | 아무거나 | 동물유머 | English |
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