Animal Pictures Archive mobile
질의: Birds & nature magazine결과: 13116번째/32642
Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus)
제목: Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus)
올린이: Shahril (
해상도: 359x478 파일크기: 67485 Bytes 촬영일: 2019:03:02 07:41:36 등록시간: 2019:03:02 09:57:11

Lammergeier (Gypaetus barbatus)

The long, broad wings of large birds of prey, such as the lammergeier, enable them to overcome to the buffeting winds on the mountaintops. One of the largest of the vultures, the lammergeier soars over mountains in Europe, Asia and Africa, searching for carrion. Especially fond of bone marrow, the lammergeier will drop bones onto rocks to break them open.

Birds & nature magazine
| 똑똑누리집 | 신규 사진 | 아무거나 | 동물유머 | English |
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