Animal Pictures Archive mobile
질의: fishes결과: 12634번째/13213
Image of: Canthigaster cinctus (foursaddle puffer)
제목: Image of: Canthigaster cinctus (foursaddle puffer)
puffer sharpnose.jpg
해상도: 346x240 파일크기: 12373 Bytes 등록시간: 2008:05:13 16:42:00

Image of: Canthigaster cinctus (foursaddle puffer)

Image of: Canthigaster cinctus (foursaddle puffer)

ADW: puffer_sharpnose.jpg

Luzon Island, Philippines
This three-inch Sharp-nose puffer (Canthigaster cinctus) appears to be taking a rest on a sponge, a common behavior among these petite fish. The clasped, often curled position of the caudal fin is normal, even when swimming. Sharp-nosed puffers are also capable of inflating themselves. Their small size (maximum about five inches) suggests they may use a much wider variety of hiding places on the reef-- I can certainly attest they are more difficult to corner for a photograph. This is one of several different coloration patterns among the numerous species of sharp-nosed puffers, with three triangular pigment "saddles" across its back ("cinctus" in the taxonomic name means "band").

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