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질의: Birds & nature magazine결과: 12565번째/32642
[Birds of North America] Spruce Grouse
제목: [Birds of North America] Spruce Grouse
dk 086 Spruce Grouse.jpg
해상도: 1024x704 파일크기: 253880 Bytes 등록시간: 2005:04:07 11:32:08

[Birds of North America] Spruce Grouse

Spinaker dk North American Wildlife

Spruce Grouse, Falcipennis canadensis, is a medium-sized grouse. Their breeding habitat is the boreal forests or taiga across Alaska and Canada. It also occurs in the boreal forest that extends into the United States' northern border states. They nest on the ground in dense growth.

Scientific Name: Falcipennis canadensis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common Names: Spruce Grouse, Canada Grouse, Spotted Grouse, Taiga Grouse
French: Tétras du Canada German: Tannenhuhn Spanish: Gallo canadiense
Taxonomy: Tetrao canadensis Linnaeus, 1758, Hudson Bay.
Canachites canadensis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Dendragapus canadensis (Linnaeus, 1758)

Birds & nature magazine
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