Spectacled Whitestart
birdwatching trip report - Ecuador - surfbirds.com
Near here the oil pipeline is under construction and close to where it crosses the road leaving a track 20 metres wide through the forest, we parked in an old roadside quarry, along with about 8 coaches being used to transport the pipeline workers to the site each day. In the midst of all this disruption a
Cinnamon Flycatcher
was soon spotted on the quarry wall.
Spectacled Whitestart (Immature)
Heading away from the quarry Nick played the call of the
Tanager Finch
and we soon had two birds showing well enough to obtain photographs (although a little dark due to thick vegetation). In the distance
Crested Quetzals
were calling; they were eventually seen in trees down below us. We also found
Rufous-headed Pygmy-Tyrant |