The Endangered Kagu is endemic to New Caledonia.
The Kagu (Rhynochetos jubatus) is a flightless bird with grey plumage; its pale colouring has led to the name of 'ghost of the forest' by local people. The sexes are similar in appearance with mainly ash-grey plumage apart from black barring on the wings that is only visible when they are out-stretched. There is a prominent crest of feathers on the back of the head, which may be erected in display, and the legs and bill are orange in colour.
Scientific Name: Rhynochetos jubatus Verreaux & Des Murs, 1860
Common Names: Kagu, Cagou
French: Kagou huppé; German: Kagu; Spanish: Kagú
Taxonomy: Rhynochetos jubatus J. P. Verreaux and Des Murs, 1860, New Caledonia.