| 질의: Birds & nature magazine | 결과: 10582번째/32642 | |
Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (지느러미발도요)
제목: | Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus) (지느러미발도요)
| 올린이: | Phoby (phoby@hanafos.com)
| |
해상도: 1575x1055
파일크기: 152585 Bytes
촬영일: 2005:02:26 00:40:26
등록시간: 2005:02:26 00:42:23
From the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's online digital media library.
Check http://images.fws.gov/ for higher quality version.
Title: Red-necked Phalarope
Alternative Title: Phalaropus lobatus
Creator: Menke, David
Source: PH-23
Publisher: (none)
Language: EN - ENGLISH
Rights: (public domain)
Audience: (general)
Subject: Species, birds, Refuges, Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge
Description Abstract: Kalsin Bay, Kodiak Island
Date Issued: February 05 2003
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| 손님 |
Red-necked Phalarope (Phalaropus lobatus)
French: Phalarope à bec étroit German: Odinshühnchen Spanish: Falaropo picofino
Taxonomy: Tringa tobata [sic] Linnaeus, 1758, Hudson Bay, Canada.
Sometimes placed in monospecific genus Lobipes. Monotypic.
Circumpolar, in coastal regions of Arctic Ocean, S to Aleutians and British Is. Winters pelagically off CW South America, in Arabian Sea and from C Indonesia to W Melanesia. |
Birds & nature magazine 10582/32642 |
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