Title: The deer of all lands; a history of the family Cervidæ living and extinct
Year: 1898 (1890s)
Authors: Richard Lydekker, 1849-1915
Subjects: Deer; Deer, Fossil; Cervidae; Cervidae, Fossil Publisher: London, R. Ward, limited
Source book page: https://archive.org/stream/deerofalllandshi00lyde/#page/n296/mode/1up
Source https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File%3AThe_deer_of_all_lands%3B_a_history_of_the_family_Cervid%FF%FF_living_and_extinct_%281898%29_%2820846590895%29.jpg
The Père David's deer (Elaphurus davidianus), also known as the milu (Chinese: 麋鹿) or elaphure, is a species of deer native to the subtropical river valleys of China. It grazes mainly on grass and aquatic plants. It is the only extant member of the genus Elaphurus. Some experts suggest demoting Elaphurus to a subgenus of Cervus. Based on genetic comparisons, Pere David's deer is closely related to Eld's deer.