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swordfish (Xiphias gladius)
Date 1801
Author Bloch, Marcus Elieser; Hennig, J. F.; Schneider, Johann Gottlob
Full title M.E. Blochii ... Systema ichthyologiae iconibus CX illustratum / post obitum auctoris opus inchoatum absoluit, correxit, interpolavit Jo. Gottlob Schneider, Saxo.
Swordfish (Xiphias gladius), also known as broadbills or broadbill swordfish in some countries, are large, highly migratory, predatory fish characterized by a long, flat bill. They are a popular sport fish of the billfish category, though elusive. Swordfish are elongated, round-bodied, and lose all teeth and scales by adulthood. These fish are found widely in tropical and temperate parts of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans. |