lesser spotted eagle (Clanga pomarina)
Falco fulvus
Falco albicilla
Falco naevius
Falco candicans
Falco peregrinus
Date 1879
Source http://www.flickr.com/photos/biodivlibrary/7582318922
Author Jonas Collin; C Cordts; Henrik Grönvold; Henrik Grönvold; Emil Hallesen; I.W. Tegner & Kittendorf; N. Kjaerbølling; N. Kjaerbølling
Full title Skandinaviens fugle, med særligt hensyn til Danmark og de nordlige bilande.
Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Skandinaviens_fugle_(1ste_Suppl._Tab._1_(Tab,_I,_II))_(7582318922).jpg
Aquila chrysaetos - Golden eagle
Haliaeetus albicilla - White-tailed eagle
Clanga pomarina - Lesser spotted eagle
Falco rusticolus - Gyrfalcon
Falco peregrinus - Peregrine falcon
The lesser spotted eagle (Clanga pomarina) is a large Eastern European bird of prey of Accipitridae. The lesser spotted eagle breeds in Central and Eastern Europe and southeastward to Turkey, and winters in Africa. |